Vogelgat Nature Reserve Hermanus Overberg Western Cape South Africa
Nature as it was created for us to preserve.
Vogelgat Private Nature Reserve PO Box 2115 HERMANUS 7200 Tel/Fax 028 314 1411 Email: vogelgatreserve@telkomsa.net
There is no evidence on the reserve of the presence of early man. However there have been discoveries of middens in the local area that date back to the Khoi, 2000 years ago….More.
The present list of indigenous plant taxa that have been collected in the Vogelgat Nature Reserve includes 965 names. Thirteen of which are considered RARE….More
Vogelgat Nature Reserve, as stated elsewhere, lies essentially within Acocks Veld Type 69, namely Macchia or according to Low and Rebelo (1996) classified as Mountain Fynbos ….More
Geology and Geomorphology
The reserve lies in the syntaxial region of the Cape Fold Belt (CFB).
The CFB is a deformed sedimentary sequence consisting of the early Cape Supergroup and the later Karoo Supergroup. Table Mountain Group sediments (TMG) of the Cape Supergroup and specifically the Peninsula….More
The reserve is situated in the western part of the temperate winter rainfall region that has a Mediterranean climate. The mean annual rainfall is approximately 930.6mm over a 12 year period (1988-99 at Base Camp) and 602.9mm over a 51 year period (1947-98) measured at the Magnetic Observatory in Hermanus. Of significant interest is the added 300mm that falls in Vogelgat in comparison to Hermanus town itself which is only 10km west of Vogelgat….More.
Incidence of fire
Most of the vegetation types on the reserve are adapted to periodic veld fires. Exceptions are the indigenous forest patches in the kloof areas. The probability of fire spread would be expected to be maximal during the hottest and driest 4 month period of the year from December to end of March. The summer period from October to March is also the period with the strongest winds when westerlies, easterlies and south-westerlies predominate….More.
Natural processes
The most important examples of disruption of natural processes in the area include:
· Invasion of alien biota, notably woody plants such as Acacia cyclops, Acacia salgina, Hakea spp and Pinus pinaster.
· Changes in the “natural” fire regime ( see section 3.30)
· The loss of larger predators in the reserve, due to the resultant loss of pressure on herbivore populations.
· Previous farming practises (sheep) and the frequently burning of the veld to enhance grazing for these animals.
Vogelgat Private Nature Reserve
PO Box 2115 HERMANUS 7200
Tel/Fax 028 314 1411
Email: vogelgatreserve@telkomsa.net
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